How To Make The Most of The New Year

Ready for 2021

It’s almost time for 2021! A new year is an opportunity to assess the passing year and to set some new goals. Although something tells us looking back at 2020 might not be such a fun idea, there may have been some simple changes in our lives we appreciated and want to build upon. So […]

Tis A Gift To Be Simple

Getting ready for holidays

As the days get shorter and the weather turns colder, this is normally the time of year I start to feel a twinge of anxiety. When the grocery store starts trying to foist their free turkey on me and the front of the hardware store is filled with Christmas decorations before Halloween even hits, that […]

What does COVID Clean™ mean today?

Covid Clean

Social responsibility and “COVID CleanTM“ are keys to normalcy I know in many ways, 2020 feels like an endless nightmare we are having a hard time waking up from. It feels like we’ve been stuck in some bizarre state of limbo since March, while the world waits for a vaccine, a life-saving treatment, or a […]

The 10 Most Common Places That People Forget to Clean in Their Homes

Did you know that your dishwashing sponge is the dirtiest thing in your entire house? This is a problem, especially considering how often you probably use it. The kitchen sponge is among the many items that often go neglected when it comes to cleaning. The hard truth is that your house is actually full of […]

7 Reasons You Should Consider Hiring a Property Cleaning Service

Having a clean home has many amazing benefits like boosting your mood, increasing your energy, and more. The thing is, we don’t always have the time or resources to devote to giving our home a good, deep clean. Hiring a cleaning service can be a solution. If you’ve never considered it before or are on […]

Don’t Leave a Single Streak Behind: The Best Ways to Clean Mirrors

Are you tired of streaky mirrors every time you check your reflection? Figuring out the best ways to clean mirrors can be tricky and time-consuming. We’ve made it easy with a quick guide to remove gunk like hairspray and toothpaste splatter while leaving your mirrors gleaming and streak-free. You can add these steps to your […]

The 5 Best Room Deodorizer for Natural Green Living

One of the first things people will notice when walking into your home is the scent. Strong odors may make them anticipate leaving the minute they get there. A sense of smell elicits strong emotional responses and triggers memories, both good and bad. What is the best room deodorizer to welcome your guests so they remember your […]

How to Clean a Freezer and Refrigerator in 7 Easy Steps

cleaning a fridge

Did you know that refrigerators and freezers can host a plethora of harmful bacteria? Listeria, salmonella, e. coli, and even mold lurk in fridges, risking the health of you and your family. If you don’t know how to clean a freezer the right way, now’s the time to learn. Read on to find out how […]

How Often Should You Clean? The Dirty Details Revealed

Almost a third of homeowners report spending more than seven hours per week cleaning their homes. Many still wonder if that’s enough to keep their families safe and healthy. The question is: how often should you clean your house? Cleaning your house can take up a lot of your time, the time you might want […]

Serenity now! Seeking peace during the time of COVID

“Quarantine fatigue,” they’re calling it. I suppose it’s as accurate of a description as any… And I want to preface the rest of this by admitting that I realize I don’t have much to complain about. I already personally know 4 people who have died from the coronavirus, including my beloved Aunt Nancy; I have […]