How Organizing Can Spark Joy

How Organizing Can Spark Joy

We are used to getting pleasure from things like a nice glass of wine, a funny TV show, a bath, and our kids. But did you know that organizing your living space can also bring you joy? It turns out there is a science behind why a clean and organized pantry, bathroom, kitchen or entire clean home can make you less stressed and more joyful. Combine that with all the other obvious benefits that cleaning up and organizing brings, and you have a clear winner on your hands!

The Truth About Tidying Up

You don’t have to take our word for it – when it comes to organizing, even the experts agree that it’s valuable. Organizing guru Marie Kondo talks about organizing in her best-selling book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” And if you haven’t read her book, you’ve certainly heard about her hit Netflix show based on her book and called “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.”

In 2014 Marie Kondo started advising people on how to declutter their lives to feel more joy. She soon moved from her cleaning consultant position to that of a world-renowned Tidying Up expert. So what is Marie Kondo’s KonMari method and how can it be helpful to organize your life? Let’s investigate.

What is the KonMari Method?

The KonMari Method is Marie Kondo’s signature approach to decluttering. Instead of going room by room, Marie suggests going through your belongings in categories. In addition, there are six iron-clad rules that Marie says are essential to decluttering success.

  1. Commit yourself to tidying up.
  2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
  3. Finish discarding first. Before getting rid of items, sincerely thank each item for serving its purpose.
  4. Tidy by category, not location.
  5. Follow the right order.
  6. Ask yourself if it sparks joy.

And here are Marie Kondo’s 5 categories:

  1. Clothes
  2. Books
  3. Papers
  4. Komono (Miscellaneous Items)
  5. Sentimental Items

Marie Kondo recommends taking out all items from one category, examining them, and discarding anything which does not bring you joy! For example, start with clothes, then books, then papers, and so on. It would be best if you didn’t move to the next category until you finish with the current one.

By going through your belongings and discarding unwanted items, you can declutter and create more space. The fewer amount of your belongings can now go back into drawers and shelves. The idea is that you are now left only with those things you love. And if you follow Marie’s rule of imagining your perfect lifestyle as you are tidying up, your selection process might help you get there. Now you know a bit more about the meaning of KonMari!

Is Organizing Your Life and Tidying Up Good for You?

Cleaning up your living space can be beneficial to both your physical and mental health. One study found that participants who kept their home clean were healthier and more active than those who didn’t.

Another study determined that people who felt that they had “unfinished projects” and were living with “clutter” were more likely to be depressed and fatigued. Those participants that kept their homes “tidy” were more likely to find their living space more “restful” and “restorative.”

Finally, a Princeton University study showed that clutter could make it more difficult to complete a task or focus. The benefits of organizing and cleaning your home space are evident. But getting started on your organizing journey might be a different thing.

How to Get Organized

Spring and Summer are the perfect opportunities to go through and organize your seasonal clothing. It is also a great time to do a deep clean of your house and spruce up your living area.

A good game plan is to work on your home in sections so you don’t feel immediately overwhelmed.

And don’t forget, you don’t have to do everything alone! Professional cleaners at Immaculate Clean are here to offer you our expertise. Let us take care of the deep cleaning while you can focus on deciding which items bring you joy!

Learn More About Immaculate Clean Services

Immaculate Clean offers friendly and efficient cleaning services in Eldersburg MD, that will leave your house spotless and mess-free. Contact us today!

About the Author

Picture of Dawn Fiscella

Dawn Fiscella

Dawn Fiscella, the President and Founder of Immaculate Clean, embodies the spirit of a dedicated working mom. With a degree in Business Administration from the University of Maryland, Dawn founded Immaculate Clean in 2004 to alleviate the stress of juggling career, family, and home. Under her leadership, the company has flourished, offering exceptional cleaning services across Sarasota, Eldersburg, and various counties in Baltimore. A member of the Association of Residential Cleaning Services International since 2005, Dawn's commitment to creating cleaner, healthier homes is unwavering, making Immaculate Clean a trusted name in the industry.

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